Perry Campanella

36,270 poems read


The only way to tell your Poem
is to tell you mine
I read alot of poetry...
from time to time,

Some I find confusing, four letter words
you shouldn't be using
instead YOU do contrive words
which do not rhyme or don't belong
like "dust upon my broken-legged desk
abandoned for so long"...

when spell-check is unused,
sharpness, sloppiness do not amuse
even an occasional ink splatter
doesn't really matter
tha piece, is better left unread
(Not to be read)

That old verse is in reverse
we can do without the swearing
it only messes with my head
rembering what was said

Your reference point is pointless
as is my quill
laid there, in my ink well, still

You may not understand, the only
way to tell your poem is to tell
you MINE...
now, that I'm through, I'll tell
you yours, when I find some time :)

By Perry Campanella 2005